
Showing posts from April, 2023

What's The Significance of Puppy Testing?

What's The Significance of Puppy Testing?   Jane Messineo Lindquist, Puppy Culture 20 Dec 2022 We talk about puppy assessment tests (PAT) in Puppy Culture , but a couple of studies have come out since the film that bear discussion. They confirm what we state in the film - that puppy testing is useful as a diagnostic, but not as a predictive tool. In a recent and fairly deep study , early temperament tests were found to have little or no ability to predict any adult personality trait with reliability, except for exploratory behavior. What's so very interesting, though, is that around the same time that the above study came out, another study was published that definitively linked experiences in the first year of life with the outcome of later temperament tests - for instance, a puppy or young dog being attacked or experiencing aggressive behavior from another dog during the first year of life has a strong correlation to later dog AND human aggression. Empowering Puppy